“Me aro koe ki te hā o Hine-ahu-one, Ko Hine tītama,
Ko Hine nui te Po.
Pay heed to the dignity of women.
Joining Anah and her amazing team at the ‘Changing Lenses: A one day Health and Wellness Workshop’ was enlightening and empowering.
From the early stages of preparing for this day, to the closing process at the end of the workshop, embodied the very essence of compassion. The energy in this workshop went beyond the powerful words that were conveyed.
Anah paid homage to the people she had nursed and her health colleagues by the sharing of pūrakau (stories). Through the telling of pūrakau, Anah was able to respectfully weave her clients health journey together with her nursing care to illustrate the shared experience and the healing that took place, not only for the client, but also for others within her rich narratives.
Often I work as a lone warrior in the field of health, either specialising in Māori health, assisting whānau Māori to access health services, liaising with whānau to ensure their needs are addressed within the community and clinical settings, advocating for children and youth in acute mental health settings or researching in fields of disability and maternity care. In each of these areas, being a Māori advocate for hauora Māori and for those I work with, can be lonely and confronting. Attending workshops such as Changing Lenses takes the isolation out of what I do and provides the opportunity of connection and shared possibilities with others.
I am excited about the prospect of working with Anah and the network she is forming in order to enhance the expression of compassion and empathy in all areas of health.
Well done to Anah and her whānau of kaimahi for driving this kaupapa to the next taumata with grace, dignity and in unity.”