“Anah Aikman has tenacity and with her passion for striving to make a change, she will make a difference for all our communities.
With empathy, compassion, awareness and connectedness, we can all learn from Anah how important it is to know more about what these words mean, how they feel, and how we can all put them into practice in our everyday lives to help make the difference.
This is very rewarding to see and feel the change happen. The way we treat and deal with people and situations at work and at home will make the difference for the better of all.
Anah is so inspirational, and she has reminded me that everyone has a story, a past, and the way we connect with each other is special. Everyone is unique and we all have to respect each other in a caring and authentic way.
It is contagious and with her many years of experience in a variety of professional fields, Anah offers a variety of annual retreats and is also holding workshops for leaders around the country to involve others to be part of the change.
Highly recommend… Reach out to Anah for more details.”