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Changing Lenses: A Transformative Workshop

Changing Lenses: And … Its a Wrap As I greeted the warmth of the early morning sun today sitting in my aunties’ old cane chair at the back of the garage, cup of tea in hand, I spoke out aloud ‘You have been a long time coming’. I took a big gentle breath. In and out. We did it!

Changing Lenses: The role of empathy, compassion, connectedness, culture and kindness for healthy communities has been a journey on many levels over a long period of time. It has been my passion for many moons to help raise awareness of the importance of values in everyday leadership and how we role model these to support healthy communities and not least, ourselves.

Behind the scenes creativity was at play, how the stage would be set, the ambience, the musicians, the filmmakers, the speakers, the food, the connections, the venue, the accommodation, the marketing, the invitations. Ensuring that all the senses were tapped into is what I love to do. Styles of learning has many hats. Creativity is key.

We worked hard. We laughed. We kept the secrets that would roll out on the day. We faced the challenges with dignity and courage. We asked the questions. Would people come? Would what we offer be of value? My passion for positive change is who I am. Seeds of change are sown.

So where to from here? What did Changing Lenses mean for you? What would the future look like for you if we thought differently? Is there a better way?

My intention is to take this korero, this conversation, on the road, sharing it nationally and internationally. If what we offer resonates with you, then I would love to hear from you. Lets be innovative and curious. Let’s expand our own lenses to become our best selves. Let’s explore opportunities that inspire and empower others to grow into their best wellness pathways. Why ? Because empathy, compassion, connectedness, culture and kindness matter.

And so… I often didn’t have the opportunity to sit in my favourite morning chair to greet the sun and I am reminded how important it is for all of us to just take a break. A Kit Kat. A self care moment. And … its a wrap….


Thank You

To you, our guests. Each and everyone of you made our day so uniquely inspiring. We thank you for your vision, your curiosity, your conversations and just doing it.

To you, Carolyn Jones, Rachel Calendar and Summer Damuth for sharing your stories and opportunities to see our worlds differently.

To you, Valley Films, Max, for your creative eye, patience and embracing our go with the flow attitude.

To you, Vicki and Rangi, Nosh Catering and Cafe Ashburton, for the most exquisite banquet cuisine, catering so well to all the dietary requirements with flair and pizazz.

To you, Nathan for your photography and quiet presence on the day.

To you, my team of merry musketeers, Rachel, Toni, Liz and Heather you always have my back.

May the sun shine beautifully for all of you today. May you travel well. May you be well.

Empathy has no script. There is no right way or wrong way to do it. It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgement, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of ‘You’re not alone”. – Brene Brown